- Prometheus monitoring with the Prometheus Operator. This release
uses Prometheus Operator to deploy and manage Prometheus, which is
used for system monitoring and alerting.
<!-- -->
- Kubernetes PVC Storage with Rook Ceph is supported in this release.
Rook Ceph can be deployed internal to the Kubernetes cluster to
provide persistent storage options.
- Kubernetes PVC Storage with Rook Ceph is supported in this release.
Rook Ceph can be deployed external to the Kubernetes cluster to
provide persistent storage options.
- Kubernetes PVC Storage with NFS is supported in this release. NFS
can be deployed external to the Kubernetes cluster to provide
persistent storage options.
- Kubernetes PVC Storage with TopoLVM is supported in this release.
TopoLVM can be deployed internal to the Kubernetes cluster to
provide persistent storage options.
- Kubernetes PVC Storage with Longhorn (recommended) is supported in
this release. Longhorn can be deployed internal to the Kubernetes
cluster to provide persistent storage options.
- MetalLB LoadBalancer is supported in this release. MetalLB can be
deployed to provide LoadBalancer services to the Kubernetes cluster.
This is used by default for VIP address functionality within
platform service loadbalancers.
- NGINX Gateway API is supported in this release. NGINX Gateway API
can be deployed to provide Gateway services to the Kubernetes
cluster. This is used by default for all internal services and
external ingress into the platform services.
- MariaDB Operator is supported in this release. MariaDB Operator can
be deployed to provide database services to the Kubernetes cluster.
This is used by default for OpenStack Services
- Postgres Operator is supported in this release. The Zalando Postgres
Operator can be deployed to provide database services for
applications. This is used by default for OpenStack metering
- RabbitMQ Operator is supported in this release. RabbitMQ Operator
can be deployed to provide message queue services to the Kubernetes
cluster. This is used by default for OpenStack Services.
- Memcached is supported in this release. Memcached can be deployed to
provide fast caching services to the Kubernetes cluster. This is
used by default for OpenStack Services.
- Libvirt is supported in this release for virtualization. Libvirt can
be deployed to provide virtualization services to the Kubernetes
cluster. This is used by default for OpenStack Services.
- Log collection is supported in this release. Fluentbit can be
deployed to provide log collection services to the Kubernetes
cluster. This is used by default for all services.
- Log aggregation is supported in this release. Loki can be deployed
to provide log aggregation services to the Kubernetes cluster. This
is used by default for all services.
- OpenStack Keystone is supported in this release. OpenStack Keystone
can be deployed to provide identity services for OpenStack and is
used by default.
- OpenStack Heat is supported in this release. OpenStack Heat can be
deployed to provide orchestration services for OpenStack and is used
by default.
<!-- -->
- OpenStack Barbican is supported in this release. OpenStack Barbican
can be deployed to provide key management services for OpenStack and
is used by default.
- OpenStack Cinder is supported in this release. OpenStack Cinder can
be deployed to provide block storage services for OpenStack and is
used by default.
- OpenStack Placement is supported in this release. OpenStack
Placement can be deployed to provide resource management services
for OpenStack and is used by default.
- OpenStack Neutron is supported in this release. OpenStack Neutron
can be deployed to provide networking services for OpenStack and is
used by default.
- OpenStack Skyline is supported in this release. OpenStack Skyline
can be deployed to provide dashboard services for OpenStack and is
used by default.
- OpenStack Octavia is supported in this release. OpenStack Octavia
can be deployed to provide load balancing services for OpenStack and
is used by default.
- OpenStack Magnum is supported in this release. OpenStack Magnum can
be deployed to provide container orchestration services for
OpenStack and is used by default.
- OpenStack Ceilometer is supported in this release. OpenStack
Ceilometer can be deployed to provide telemetry services for
OpenStack and is used by default.
- Gnocchi is supported in this release. Gnocchi can be deployed to
provide metric services for OpenStack and is used by default within
the metering stack.
- Grafana is supported in this release. Grafana can be deployed to
provide metric visualization services for OpenStack and is used by
default within the metering stack.
<!-- -->
- Service metric collection is supported in this release and is
interconnected with prometheus and grafana to provide metric
visualization services throughout the cluster.
Supported Exporters:
: - Kube-OVN
- NGINX Gateway Fabris
- RabbitMQ
- Memcached
- MariaDB
- Postgres
- OpenStack
- Blackbox
- Pushgateway
Dashboards are all pre-configured for all supported exporters and
visualized via Grafana.
<!-- -->
- Alert Manager is supported in this release. Alert Manager can be
deployed to provide alerting services for the cluster and is used by
The OVN loadbalancers options are by default available within
Genestack but is currently \"tech preview\" and not recommended for
production use.
<!-- -->
- Skyline UI currently limits the loadbalancer types to Amphora. This
is a known issue and will be resolved in a future release.
Upgrade Notes
When upgrading from a pre-release to stable, the following changes
will need to be made to the ansible inventory or group_vars to
support stable cert-manager
In previous builds the --enable-gateway-api was unset, but it is
now a required option.
<!-- -->
- When upgrading from a pre-release to stable, the following changes
will need to be made to the ansible inventory or group_vars to
support stable metallb
``` yaml
metallb_enabled: false
In previous builds the `metallb_enabled` was set to true, but it is
now managed by the MetalLB helm chart.
<!-- -->
- When upgrading from a pre-release to stable, the following changes
will need to be made to the ansible inventory or group_vars to
eliminate the CNI plugin from the Kubespray Management.
``` yaml
kube_network_plugin: none
In previous builds the `kube_network_plugin` was set to kube-ovn,
but it is now managed by the Kube-OVN helm chart.
<!-- -->
- When upgrading from a pre-release to stable, the following changes
will need to be made to the ansible inventory or group_vars to
eliminate the previous assumption of the kubeadm patch files.
``` yaml
kubeadm_patches: []
In previous builds the `kubeadm_patches` was set to a dictionary of
patches that would deploy files into the environment. This interface
was changed upstream and now must be a list of string type patches.
Review the upstream documentation\[0\] for more information.
<!-- -->
- When upgrading from a pre-release to stable, the following file no
longer has any effect on the environment and can be removed from the
ansible group_vars.
This file can be eliminated.
In early builds of Genestack Kube-OVN was deployed and managed by
Kubespray; however, this is no longer the case. The Kube-OVN helm
chart is now used to deploy and manage the Kube-OVN CNI plugin.
<!-- -->
- In early builds of Genestack MetalLB was deployed and managed by
Kubespray; however, this is no longer the case. The MetalLB helm
chart is now used to deploy and manage the MetalLB LoadBalancer.
<!-- -->
- In early builds of Genestack the cert-manager option
ExperimentalGatewayAPISupport was set to true, within the ansible
group_vars. This option should be removed as it no longer has any