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Setting up Loki

Add the grafana helm repo

helm repo add grafana
helm repo update

Install the helm chart

You will need to make changes depending on how you want to configure loki. Example files are included in this directory choose one relevant to your deploy

helm upgrade --install \
             --values my-loki-helm-overrides.yaml \
             loki grafana/loki \
             --create-namespace \
             --namespace grafana \
             --version 5.47.2


If you plan on using Swift as a backend for log storage see the loki-helm-swift-overrides-example.yaml file in the helm-configs/loki directory.


If you plan on using S3 as a backend for log storage see the loki-helm-s3-overrides-example.yaml file in the helm-configs/loki directory.


If you plan on using Minio as a backend for log storage see the loki-helm-s3-overrides-example.yaml file in the helm-configs/loki directory.