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Object Store Management using the S3 client


Use the command-line utility aws to perform operations on your object store.


Before getting started, generate credentials that will be used to authenticate the S3 API provided by OpenStack Flex Object Storage.

Install the awscli package

Before we get started, we need to install the awscli package. You can install it using the following command:

pip install awscli awscli-plugin-endpoint

Generate the S3 credentials

The following credentials will be used to authenticate the S3 API provided by OpenStack Flex Object Storage.

openstack --os-cloud default ec2 credentials create

The output should look similar to the following

| Field      | Value                                                                                                   |
| access     | $ACCESS_ID                                                                                              |
| links      | {'self': '$USER_ID/credentials/OS-EC2/$ACCESS_ID'} |
| project_id | $PROJECT_ID                                                                                             |
| secret     | $SECRET_VALUE                                                                                           |
| trust_id   | None                                                                                                    |
| user_id    | $USER_ID                                                                                                |

Create the AWS CLI Configuration Files

Create an aws-config file. Be sure to replace sjc3 with the region of your object store.

~/aws-config file

endpoint = awscli_plugin_endpoint

[profile default]
region = sjc3
s3 =
endpoint_url =
signature_version = s3v4
s3api =
endpoint_url =

Create an aws-credentials file. Be sure to replace ACCESS and SECRET with the values from the credential generation command.

~/aws-credentials file

aws_access_key_id = $ACCESS_ID
aws_secret_access_key = $SECRET_VALUE

Using the aws CLI and Validating the Configuration

To validate the configuration, run the following command to create a newbucket in the object store.

aws --profile default s3api create-bucket --bucket newbucket

Ensure the new bucket exists by listing all buckets.

aws --profile default s3api list-buckets


``` json { "Buckets": [ { "Name": "newbucket", "CreationDate": "2009-02-03T16:45:09.000Z" } ], "Owner": { "DisplayName": "$USER_ID:$USER_NAME", "ID": "$USER_ID:$USER_NAME" }, "Prefix": null }

For more information on the awscli tooling use the help flag for a detailed breakdown.

aws --profile default help