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Openstack Deploying the Command Line Tools

Before we can get started we need to install a few things.

Installing Python

While most operating systems have some form of Python already installed, you will need to ensure you have python available on your system to use the standard command line utilities. If you need to install python, consult your operating system documentation or the upstream python documentation to get started.

Installing pip

Pip is the python package manager and can make installing libraries very simple; however, some build tools may be required. For more information on installing pip, consult the upstream documentation.


python -m ensurepip --upgrade

Microsoft Windows

Ensure that the C:\Python27\Scripts directory is defined in the PATH environment variable, and use the easy_install command from the setuptools package:

C:> py -m ensurepip --upgrade


python -m ensurepip --upgrade

Installing the Openstack Client Using pip

Assuming you have pip installed, it can be used to install the openstack client utilities.


Users may want to use a Virtual Environment so that they do not have any risk of hurting their default Python environment. For more information on seting up a venv please visit the python documentation on working with virtual environments.

pip install python-openstackclient

For further information on Openstack Command Line and Authentication please visit the upstream docs.

Installing the OpenStack Client with packages

Package based client install is a great way to simplify the installation process, however, it does come with a greater possibility to lag behind a given release and may not be as featurefull.


brew install openstackclient

Ubuntu or Debian

apt install python3-openstackclient

Enterprise Linux

dnf install python3-openstackclient