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Deploy Sealed Secrets

Install sealed secrets

Run the deployment Script bin/


# Default parameter value

# Directory to check for YAML files

# Helm command setup
HELM_CMD="helm upgrade --install argocd oci:// \
    --namespace=sealed-secrets \
    --timeout 120m \
    --post-renderer /etc/genestack/kustomize/ \
    --post-renderer-args sealed-secrets/${TARGET} \
    -f /opt/genestack/base-helm-configs/sealed-secrets/helm-sealed-secrets-overrides.yaml"

# Check if YAML files exist in the specified directory
if compgen -G "${CONFIG_DIR}/*.yaml" > /dev/null; then
    # Add all YAML files from the directory to the helm command
    for yaml_file in "${CONFIG_DIR}"/*.yaml; do
        HELM_CMD+=" -f ${yaml_file}"

# Run the helm command
echo "Executing Helm command:"
echo "${HELM_CMD}"
eval "${HELM_CMD}"

Verify readiness with the following command.

kubectl --namespace sealed-secrets get horizontalpodautoscaler.autoscaling sealed-secrets -w