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Deploy Skyline

OpenStack Skyline is the next-generation web-based dashboard designed to provide a modern, responsive, and highly performant interface for managing OpenStack services. As an evolution of the traditional Horizon dashboard, Skyline focuses on improving user experience with a more streamlined and intuitive design, offering faster load times and enhanced responsiveness. It aims to deliver a more efficient and scalable way to interact with OpenStack components, catering to both administrators and end-users who require quick and easy access to cloud resources. In this document, we will cover the deployment of OpenStack Skyline using Genestack. Genestack ensures that Skyline is deployed effectively, allowing users to leverage its improved interface for managing both private and public cloud environments with greater ease and efficiency.

Create secrets

Information about the secretes used

Manual secret generation is only required if you haven't run the script located in /opt/genestack/bin.

Example secret generation

Skyline is a little different because there's no helm integration. Given this difference the deployment is far simpler, and all secrets can be managed in one object.

kubectl --namespace openstack \
        create secret generic skyline-apiserver-secrets \
        --type Opaque \
        --from-literal=service-username="skyline" \
        --from-literal=service-password="$(< /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Za-z0-9 | head -c${1:-32};echo;)" \
        --from-literal=service-domain="service" \
        --from-literal=service-project="service" \
        --from-literal=service-project-domain="service" \
        --from-literal=db-endpoint="mariadb-cluster-primary.openstack.svc.cluster.local" \
        --from-literal=db-name="skyline" \
        --from-literal=db-username="skyline" \
        --from-literal=db-password="$(< /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Za-z0-9 | head -c${1:-32};echo;)" \
        --from-literal=secret-key="$(< /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Za-z0-9 | head -c${1:-32};echo;)" \
        --from-literal=keystone-endpoint="$(kubectl --namespace openstack get secret keystone-keystone-admin -o jsonpath='{.data.OS_AUTH_URL}' | base64 -d)" \
        --from-literal=keystone-username="skyline" \
        --from-literal=default-region="RegionOne" \
        --from-literal=prometheus_basic_auth_password="" \
        --from-literal=prometheus_basic_auth_user="" \
        --from-literal=prometheus_enable_basic_auth="false" \


All the configuration is in this one secret, so be sure to set your entries accordingly.

Run the deployment


Pause for a moment to consider if you will be wanting to access Skyline via the gateway-api controller over a specific FQDN. If so, adjust the gateway api definitions to suit your needs. For more information view Gateway API...

kubectl --namespace openstack apply -k /opt/genestack/base-kustomize/skyline/base

Custom Listeners

This step is not needed if all listeners were applied when the Gateway API was deployed

Example listener patch file found in /opt/genestack/etc/gateway-api/listeners
        "op": "add",
        "path": "/spec/listeners/-",
        "value": {
            "name": "skyline-https",
            "port": 443,
            "protocol": "HTTPS",
            "hostname": "skyline.your.domain.tld",
            "allowedRoutes": {
                "namespaces": {
                    "from": "All"
            "tls": {
                "certificateRefs": [
                        "group": "",
                        "kind": "Secret",
                        "name": "skyline-gw-tls-secret"
                "mode": "Terminate"

Modify the Listener Patch

This example changes the placeholder domain to <YOUR_DOMAIN>. Review the gateway documentation for more information on listener types.

mkdir -p /etc/genestack/gateway-api/listeners
sed 's/your.domain.tld/<YOUR_DOMAIN>/g' \
    /opt/genestack/etc/gateway-api/listeners/skyline-https.json \
    > /etc/genestack/gateway-api/listeners/skyline-https.json

Apply the Listener Patch

kubectl patch -n nginx-gateway gateway flex-gateway \
              --type='json' \
              --patch-file /etc/genestack/gateway-api/listeners/skyline-https.json

Custom Routes

This step is not needed if all routes were applied when the Gateway API was deployed

A custom gateway route can be used when setting up the service. The custom route make it possible to for a domain like your.domain.tld to be used for the service.

Example routes file found in /opt/genestack/etc/gateway-api/routes
kind: HTTPRoute
  name: custom-skyline-gateway-route
  namespace: openstack
    application: gateway-api
    service: HTTPRoute
    route: skyline
  - name: flex-gateway
    sectionName: skyline-https
    namespace: nginx-gateway
  - "skyline.your.domain.tld"
    - backendRefs:
      - name: skyline-apiserver
        port: 9999

Modify the Route

This example changes the placeholder domain to <YOUR_DOMAIN>. Review the gateway route documentation for more information on route types.

mkdir -p /etc/genestack/gateway-api/routes
sed 's/your.domain.tld/<YOUR_DOMAIN>/g' \
    /opt/genestack/etc/gateway-api/routes/custom-skyline-gateway-route.yaml \
    > /etc/genestack/gateway-api/routes/custom-skyline-gateway-route.yaml

Apply the Route

kubectl --namespace openstack apply -f /etc/genestack/gateway-api/routes/custom-skyline-gateway-route.yaml

