Deploy Heat
OpenStack Heat is the orchestration service within the OpenStack ecosystem, designed to automate the deployment of cloud applications by orchestrating infrastructure resources such as compute instances, storage volumes, and networking components. Heat allows users to define the infrastructure and application stack in a template format, which can then be deployed and managed as a single unit. This capability facilitates the automated, repeatable, and consistent deployment of complex cloud environments, reducing manual intervention and minimizing errors. In this document, we will cover the deployment of OpenStack Heat using Genestack. With Genestack, the deployment of Heat is optimized, ensuring that cloud applications are efficiently orchestrated and managed, leading to improved scalability and reliability.
Create secrets
Information about the secretes used
Manual secret generation is only required if you haven't run the
script located in /opt/genestack/bin
Manual secret generation
kubectl --namespace openstack \
create secret generic heat-rabbitmq-password \
--type Opaque \
--from-literal=username="heat" \
--from-literal=password="$(< /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Za-z0-9 | head -c${1:-64};echo;)"
kubectl --namespace openstack \
create secret generic heat-db-password \
--type Opaque \
--from-literal=password="$(< /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Za-z0-9 | head -c${1:-32};echo;)"
kubectl --namespace openstack \
create secret generic heat-admin \
--type Opaque \
--from-literal=password="$(< /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Za-z0-9 | head -c${1:-32};echo;)"
kubectl --namespace openstack \
create secret generic heat-trustee \
--type Opaque \
--from-literal=password="$(< /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Za-z0-9 | head -c${1:-32};echo;)"
kubectl --namespace openstack \
create secret generic heat-stack-user \
--type Opaque \
--from-literal=password="$(< /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Za-z0-9 | head -c${1:-32};echo;)"
Run the package deployment
Run the Heat deployment Script bin/
HELM_CMD="helm upgrade --install heat openstack-helm/heat --version 2024.2.294+13651f45-628a320c \
--namespace=openstack \
--timeout 120m"
if compgen -G "${dir}/*.yaml" > /dev/null; then
for yaml_file in "${dir}"/*.yaml; do
HELM_CMD+=" -f ${yaml_file}"
HELM_CMD+=" --set endpoints.identity.auth.admin.password=\"\$(kubectl --namespace openstack get secret keystone-admin -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 -d)\""
HELM_CMD+=" --set endpoints.identity.auth.heat.password=\"\$(kubectl --namespace openstack get secret heat-admin -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 -d)\""
HELM_CMD+=" --set endpoints.identity.auth.heat_trustee.password=\"\$(kubectl --namespace openstack get secret heat-trustee -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 -d)\""
HELM_CMD+=" --set endpoints.identity.auth.heat_stack_user.password=\"\$(kubectl --namespace openstack get secret heat-stack-user -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 -d)\""
HELM_CMD+=" --set endpoints.oslo_db.auth.admin.password=\"\$(kubectl --namespace openstack get secret mariadb -o jsonpath='{.data.root-password}' | base64 -d)\""
HELM_CMD+=" --set endpoints.oslo_db.auth.heat.password=\"\$(kubectl --namespace openstack get secret heat-db-password -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 -d)\""
HELM_CMD+=" --set endpoints.oslo_cache.auth.memcache_secret_key=\"\$(kubectl --namespace openstack get secret os-memcached -o jsonpath='{.data.memcache_secret_key}' | base64 -d)\""
HELM_CMD+=" --set conf.heat.keystone_authtoken.memcache_secret_key=\"\$(kubectl --namespace openstack get secret os-memcached -o jsonpath='{.data.memcache_secret_key}' | base64 -d)\""
HELM_CMD+=" --set conf.heat.database.slave_connection=\"mysql+pymysql://heat:\$(kubectl --namespace openstack get secret heat-db-password -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 -d)@mariadb-cluster-secondary.openstack.svc.cluster.local:3306/heat\""
HELM_CMD+=" --set endpoints.oslo_messaging.auth.admin.password=\"\$(kubectl --namespace openstack get secret rabbitmq-default-user -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 -d)\""
HELM_CMD+=" --set endpoints.oslo_messaging.auth.heat.password=\"\$(kubectl --namespace openstack get secret heat-rabbitmq-password -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 -d)\""
HELM_CMD+=" --post-renderer /etc/genestack/kustomize/"
HELM_CMD+=" --post-renderer-args heat/overlay $*"
helm repo add openstack-helm
helm repo update
echo "Executing Helm command:"
echo "${HELM_CMD}"
eval "${HELM_CMD}"
You may need to provide custom values to configure your openstack services, for a simple single region or lab deployment you can supply an additional overrides flag using the example found at base-helm-configs/aio-example-openstack-overrides.yaml
In other cases such as a multi-region deployment you may want to view the Multi-Region Support guide to for a workflow solution.
Validate functionality
kubectl --namespace openstack exec -ti openstack-admin-client -- openstack --os-interface internal orchestration service list