Deploy a Memcached
Deploy the Memcached Cluster
Run the memcached deployment Script bin/
You can include paramaters to deploy aio or base-monitoring. No paramaters deploys base
# shellcheck disable=SC2124,SC2145,SC2294
# Directory to check for YAML files
# Helm command setup
HELM_CMD="helm upgrade --install memcached oci:// \
--namespace=openstack \
--timeout 120m \
--post-renderer /etc/genestack/kustomize/ \
--post-renderer-args memcached/overlay \
-f /opt/genestack/base-helm-configs/memcached/memcached-helm-overrides.yaml"
# Check if YAML files exist in the specified directory
if compgen -G "${CONFIG_DIR}/*.yaml" > /dev/null; then
# Add all YAML files from the directory to the helm command
for yaml_file in "${CONFIG_DIR}"/*.yaml; do
HELM_CMD+=" -f ${yaml_file}"
# Run the helm command
echo "Executing Helm command:"
echo "${HELM_CMD}"
eval "${HELM_CMD}"
Memcached has a base configuration which is HA and production ready. If you're deploying on a small cluster the aio
configuration may better suit the needs of the environment.
Alternative - Deploy the Memcached Cluster With Monitoring Enabled
Memcached has a base-monitoring configuration which is HA and production ready that also includes a metrics exporter for prometheus metrics collection. If you'd like to have monitoring enabled for your memcached cluster ensure the prometheus operator is installed first (Deploy Prometheus).
View the memcached exporter instructions to install a HA ready memcached cluster with monitoring and metric collection enabled.
Verify readiness with the following command.
Create shared os-memcached secret
kubectl --namespace openstack \
create secret generic os-memcached \
--type Opaque \
--from-literal=memcache_secret_key="$(< /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Za-z0-9 | head -c${1:-32};echo;)"
This is a shared secret that is distributed to all services that require it. Rotating this value means updating all services.