TopoLVM - In Cluster
TopoLVM is a capacity aware storage provisioner which can make use of physical volumes.
The following steps are one way to set it up, however, consult the documentation for a full breakdown of everything possible with TopoLVM.
Create the target volume group on your hosts
TopoLVM requires access to a volume group on the physical host to work, which means we need to set up a volume group on our hosts. By default, TopoLVM will use the controllers as storage hosts. The genestack Helm solution sets the general storage volume group to vg-general
. This value can be changed within Helm overrides file found at /opt/genestack/base-helm-configs/topolvm/helm-topolvm-overrides.yaml
Simple example showing how to create the needed volume group
Once the volume group is on your storage nodes, the node is ready for use.
Deploy the TopoLVM Provisioner
Run the topolvm deployment Script bin/
# Default parameter value
# Directory to check for YAML files
# Add the topolvm helm repository
helm repo add topolvm
helm repo update
# Helm command setup
HELM_CMD="helm upgrade --install topolvm topolvm/topolvm \
--create-namespace --namespace=topolvm-system \
--timeout 120m \
--post-renderer /etc/genestack/kustomize/ \
--post-renderer-args topolvm/${TARGET} \
-f /opt/genestack/base-helm-configs/topolvm/helm-topolvm-overrides.yaml"
# Check if YAML files exist in the specified directory
if compgen -G "${CONFIG_DIR}/*.yaml" > /dev/null; then
# Add all YAML files from the directory to the helm command
for yaml_file in "${CONFIG_DIR}"/*.yaml; do
HELM_CMD+=" -f ${yaml_file}"
# Run the helm command
echo "Executing Helm command:"
echo "${HELM_CMD}"
eval "${HELM_CMD}"