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TopoLVM - In Cluster

TopoLVM is a capacity aware storage provisioner which can make use of physical volumes.

The following steps are one way to set it up, however, consult the documentation for a full breakdown of everything possible with TopoLVM.

Create the target volume group on your hosts

TopoLVM requires access to a volume group on the physical host to work, which means we need to set up a volume group on our hosts. By default, TopoLVM will use the controllers as storage hosts. The genestack Helm solution sets the general storage volume group to vg-general. This value can be changed within Helm overrides file found at /opt/genestack/base-helm-configs/topolvm/helm-topolvm-overrides.yaml.

Simple example showing how to create the needed volume group

# NOTE sdX is a placeholder for a physical drive or partition.
pvcreate /dev/sdX
vgcreate vg-general /dev/sdX

Once the volume group is on your storage nodes, the node is ready for use.

Deploy the TopoLVM Provisioner

Run the topolvm deployment Script bin/


# Default parameter value

# Directory to check for YAML files

# Add the topolvm helm repository
helm repo add topolvm
helm repo update

# Helm command setup
HELM_CMD="helm upgrade --install topolvm topolvm/topolvm \
    --create-namespace --namespace=topolvm-system \
    --timeout 120m \
    --post-renderer /etc/genestack/kustomize/ \
    --post-renderer-args topolvm/${TARGET} \
    -f /opt/genestack/base-helm-configs/topolvm/helm-topolvm-overrides.yaml"

# Check if YAML files exist in the specified directory
if compgen -G "${CONFIG_DIR}/*.yaml" > /dev/null; then
    # Add all YAML files from the directory to the helm command
    for yaml_file in "${CONFIG_DIR}"/*.yaml; do
        HELM_CMD+=" -f ${yaml_file}"

# Run the helm command
echo "Executing Helm command:"
echo "${HELM_CMD}"
eval "${HELM_CMD}"