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Gnocchi (Metric Storage API)

Gnocchi is an open-source project designed to store and manage time series data.

It addresses the challenge of efficiently storing and indexing large-scale time series data, which is crucial in modern cloud environments that are vast, dynamic, and may serve multiple users. Gnocchi is built with performance, scalability, and fault-tolerance in mind, without relying on complex storage systems.

Unlike traditional time series databases that store raw data points and compute aggregates (like averages or minimums) when queried, Gnocchi simplifies this by pre-aggregating data during ingestion. This makes retrieving data much faster since the system only needs to read the already processed results.


Gnocchi includes multiple services: an HTTP REST API, an optional statsd-compatible daemon, and an asynchronous processing daemon (gnocchi-metricd). Data is ingested through the API or statsd daemon, while gnocchi-metricd handles background tasks like statistics computation and metric cleanup.

Gnocchi Architecture

Image source:

Gnocchi services are stateless thus can be scaled horizontally without much effort. That being said, we can easily define an HPA (HorizontalPodAutoscaler) policy to do just that for ReplicaSet components such as the gnocchi-api. However, metricd and statsd components are configured to be DaemonSets, so operators need only label additional nodes with the configured node-selector key/value of openstack-control-plane=enabled to scale those components up or down.


As shown in the previous architecture diagram, Gnocchi relies on three key external components for proper functionality:

  • Storage for incoming measures
  • Storage for aggregated metrics
  • An index

Measures & Aggregates

Gnocchi supports various storage backends for incoming measures and aggregated metrics, including:

  • File
  • Ceph (flex default for incoming & storage)
  • OpenStack Swift
  • Amazon S3
  • Redis

For smaller architectures, using the file driver to store data on disk may be sufficient. However, S3, Ceph, and Swift offer more scalable storage options, with Ceph being the recommended choice due to its better consistency. In larger or busier deployments, a common recommendation is to use Redis for incoming measure storage and Ceph for aggregate storage.


The indexer driver stores the index of all resources, archive policies, and metrics, along with their definitions, types, and properties. It also handles the linking of resources to metrics and manages resource relationships. Supported drivers include the following:

  • PostgreSQL (flex default)
  • MySQL (version 5.6.4 or higher)

Resource Types

The resource types that reside within Gnocchi are created during the Ceilometer db-sync job which executes ceilometer-upgrade. We create the default types that ship with Ceilometer, they can be modified via the Metrics API post creation if necessary.


The Gnocchi REST API is well documented on their website, please see the REST API Usage section for full detail. Furthermore, there is a community supported Python client and SDK installable via pip, aptly named python-gnocchiclient. It's worth noting, this is a required module for openstack metric commands to function. See OpenStack Metrics for example CLI usage.