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This section is still underdevelopment and experimental

None of the vault components are required to run a Genestack environment.

HashiCorp Vault Secret Operators for Genestack Installation

The Vault Secrets Operator (VSO) enables Pods to seamlessly consume Vault secrets from Kubernetes Secrets. This guide outlines the process of consuming secrets stored in Vault for Genestack installation. This is continuation of where we have created few secrets in the Vault



Before starting the installation, ensure HashiCorp Vault is installed in the cluster. You can refer for more details.


Navigate to the Vault Secrets Operator base directory:

cd kustomize/vault-secrets-operator/base

Modify the values.yaml file with your desired configurations. Refer to the sample configuration in this directory, already updated for installation.

vi values.yaml

Perform the installation.

kubectl kustomize . --enable-helm | kubectl apply -f -

Validate if all the pods are up.

kubectl get pods -n vault-secrets-operator

Consume secrets from the Vault

After installing the vault-secrets-operator, create the necessary resources to consume secrets stored in Vault.

Connect to the vault

Create a VaultConnection resource to establish a connection to Vault.

kind: VaultConnection
namespace: openstack
name: vault-connection
# required configuration
# address to the Vault server.
address: https://vault.vault.svc.cluster.local:8200

# optional configuration
# HTTP headers to be included in all Vault requests.
# headers: []
# TLS server name to use as the SNI host for TLS connections.
# tlsServerName: ""
# skip TLS verification for TLS connections to Vault.
skipTLSVerify: false
# the trusted PEM encoded CA certificate chain stored in a Kubernetes Secret
caCertSecretRef: "vault-ca-secret"

vault-ca-secret: CA certificate used to sign the Vault certificate for internal communication.

Authenticate with vault:

Create a VaultAuth resource to authenticate with Vault and access secrets.

kind: VaultAuth
name: keystone-auth
namespace: openstack
method: kubernetes
mount: genestack
   role: osh
   serviceAccount: default
     - vault
vaultConnectionRef: vault-connection

Create Vault static:

Define a VaultStaticSecret resource to fetch a secret from Vault and create a Kubernetes Secret resource.

kind: VaultStaticSecret
name: keystone-rabbitmq-password
namespace: openstack
type: kv-v2

# mount path
mount: 'osh/keystone'

# path of the secret
path: keystone-rabbitmq-password

# dest k8s secret
   name: keystone-rabbitmq-password
   create: true

# static secret refresh interval
refreshAfter: 30s

# Name of the CRD to authenticate to Vault
vaultAuthRef: keystone-auth

This VaultStaticSecret resource fetches the keystone-rabbitmq-password secret from Vault and creates a Kubernetes Secret named keystone-rabbitmq-password in the openstack namespace which you can further use in the Genestack running on Kubernetes.

Example usage workflow

# From Vault:
vault kv get osh/keystone/keystone-rabbitmq-password
================ Secret Path ================

======= Metadata =======
Key                Value
---                -----
created_time       2024-02-21T12:13:20.961200482Z
custom_metadata    <nil>
deletion_time      n/a
destroyed          false
version            1

====== Data ======
Key         Value
---         -----
password    EENF1SfKOVkILTGVzftJhdj5A6mwnbcCLgdttahhKsQVxCWHrIrhc0theCG3Tzrr

Apply the reuired configuration files.

# From Kubernetes:
kubectl apply -f vaultconnection.yaml
kubectl apply -f vault-auth.yaml
kubectl apply -f keystone-rabbitmq-password-vault.yaml

Return the secret in YAML

kubectl get secret keystone-rabbitmq-password -n openstack -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
_raw:  eyJkYXRhIjp7InBhc3N3b3JkIjoiRUVORjFTZktPVmtJTFRHVnpmdEpoZGo1QTZtd25iY0NMZ2R0dGFoaEtzUVZ4Q1dIcklyaGMwdGhlQ0czVHpyciJ9LCJtZXRhZGF0YSI6eyJjcmVhdGVkX3 RpbWUiOiIyMDI0LTAyLTIxVDEyOjEzOjIwLjk2MTIwMDQ4MloiLCJjdXN0b21fbWV0YWRhdGEiOm51bGwsImRlbGV0aW9uX3RpbWUiOiIiLCJkZXN0cm95ZWQiOmZhbHNlLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjox fX0=
password: RUVORjFTZktPVmtJTFRHVnpmdEpoZGo1QTZtd25iY0NMZ2R0dGFoaEtzUVZ4Q1dIcklyaGMwdGhlQ0czVHpycg==
kind: Secret

Check the return password.

echo "RUVORjFTZktPVmtJTFRHVnpmdEpoZGo1QTZtd25iY0NMZ2R0dGFoaEtzUVZ4Q1dIcklyaGMwdGhlQ0czVHpycg==" | base64 -d