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Deploy the ingress controllers


When deploying Ingress for the first time, make sure to build the helm charts. Information on building the helm charts can be found here.

We need two different Ingress controllers, one in the openstack namespace, the other in the ingress-nginx namespace. The openstack controller is for east-west connectivity, the ingress-nginx controller is for north-south.

Deploy our ingress controller within the ingress-nginx Namespace

kubectl kustomize --enable-helm /opt/genestack/kustomize/ingress/external | kubectl apply --namespace ingress-nginx -f -

Deploy our ingress controller within the OpenStack Namespace

kubectl kustomize --enable-helm /opt/genestack/kustomize/ingress/internal | kubectl apply --namespace openstack -f -

The openstack ingress controller uses the class name nginx-openstack.

Patching the ingress ConfigMap

Sometimes you may need to make an update to your ingress setup which is managed in the ConfigMaps.

Patching the worker processes

kubectl -n ${NAMESPACE} patch configmaps ingress-conf -p '{"data": {"worker-processes": "8"}}'


If you make a system level change in the ConfigMap you will need to recreate the pods.