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Openstack Security Groups

To read more about Openstack Security Groups using the upstream docs.

List and view current security groups

openstack security group list

Create Security Groups

openstack security group create SECURITY_GROUP_NAME --description GROUP_DESCRIPTION

Delete a specific Security Group

openstack security group delete SECURITY_GROUP_NAME

Create and manage security group rules

To list the rules for a security group, run the following command:

openstack security group rule list SECURITY_GROUP_NAME

Add a new group rule:

openstack security group rule create SEC_GROUP_NAME \
    --protocol PROTOCOL --dst-port FROM_PORT:TO_PORT --remote-ip CIDR

The arguments are positional, and the from-port and to-port arguments specify the local port range connections are allowed to access, not the source and destination ports of the connection.

To allow both HTTP and HTTPS traffic:

openstack security group rule create global_http \
    --protocol tcp --dst-port 443:443 --remote-ip

To allow SSH access to the instances, choose one of the following options:

  1. Allow access from all IP addresses, specified as IP subnet in CIDR notation:

    openstack security group rule create SECURITY_GROUP_NAME \
      --protocol tcp --dst-port 22:22 --remote-ip
    2. Allow access only from IP addresses from other security groups (source groups) to access the specified port:

    shell openstack security group rule create SECURITY_GROUP_NAME \ --protocol tcp --dst-port 22:22 --remote-group SOURCE_GROUP_NAME

    To allow pinging of the instances, choose one of the following options:

  2. Allow pinging from all IP addresses, specified as IP subnet in CIDR notation

    shell openstack security group rule create --protocol icmp \ SECURITY_GROUP_NAME

    This allows access to all codes and all types of ICMP traffic.

  3. Allow only members of other security groups (source groups) to ping instances.

    shell openstack security group rule create --protocol icmp \ --remote-group SOURCE_GROUP_NAME SECURITY_GROUP

To allow access through a UDP port, such as allowing access to a DNS server that runs on a VM, choose one of the following options:

  1. Allow UDP access from IP addresses, specified as IP subnet in CIDR notation.

    shell openstack security group rule create --protocol udp \ --dst-port 53:53 SECURITY_GROUP

  2. Allow only IP addresses from other security groups (source groups) to access the specified port.

    openstack security group rule create --protocol udp \
    --dst-port 53:53 --remote-group SOURCE_GROUP_NAME SECURITY_GROUP

Allow RDP access only from IP addresses from other security groups

``` shell
openstack security group rule create SECURITY_GROUP_NAME \
  --protocol tcp --dst-port 33:89 --remote-group SOURCE_GROUP_NAME

Delete a security group rule

openstack security group rule delete RULE_ID