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Create a Readonly User

The following commands will setup a readonly user which is able to read data across domains.

Create the VMM user and project

After running the following commands, a readonly user (example: vmm) will have read only access to everything under the default and rackspace_cloud_domain domains.

Create a project

openstack --os-cloud default project create --description 'vmm enablement' vmm --domain default

Create a new user

Make sure to set the password accordingly

openstack --os-cloud default user create --project vmm --password ${PASSWORD} vmm --domain default

Add the member role to the new user

openstack --os-cloud default role add --user vmm --project vmm member --inherited

Add the reader roles for user vmm to the default domain

openstack --os-cloud default role add --user vmm --domain default reader --inherited

Add the reader role for user vmm to the rackspace_cloud_domain domain

openstack --os-cloud default role add --user vmm --domain rackspace_cloud_domain reader --inherited

Add the reader role for user vmm to the system

openstack --os-cloud default role add --user vmm --system all reader